Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Web browsers often save files you download in to their default directories without prompting you for information
To create a shortcut that will open your default e-mail program starting a new e-mail
Navigation Tips
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Explorer Tips
Spell Check
Monday, April 28, 2008
If you need to get a screen shot, and you do not have a screen capture program, try this
Have trouble editing hyperlinks with the mouse in your MS Excel worksheets?
Find Files
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Go to Start/Run and you'll see a box. If a program is in the Window's folder or System32, you can launch it by typing in the name.
Notepad anyone? Type in "notepad". Explorer? Type in "explorer". How about Paint? That's a little trickier: type in "MSpaint". And for calculator, type in "calc". For an on-screen keyboard type "osk".
MS Excel
In Ms Excel, to break up a long cell entry into separate lines, position the cursor where you want a new line to start and press Alt+Enter.
Excel will expand the row to accommodate wrapping lines of text. Press Enter to complete the entry.
You may know that pressing ALT-TAB switches between the current and last-used program or file, and holding it down lets you switch to any running program or file. Another useful method you can use is using ALT-ESCAPE.